Category: St-Marc

Gathering of St-Marc College Alumni

On June 2nd, we attended an evening organized by alumni of St. Mark’s College in Alexandria. More than 125 people attended mainly promotions 1959 to 1965.

We were a dozen representing the class of 1961. More than 6 others who live in Greater Montreal could not come.  I had a lot of fun sharing these moments with some very good childhood friends!

The concentration of former students of St-Marc in Montreal is special, it is due to the circumstances we lived in Egypt at that time.

Promotion 1961

Promotion 1961

St-Marc and Notre Dame de Sion réunion

The weekend of May 30/31 alumni from Collège St-Marc and Notre Dame de Sion (Alexandria) met at St-Adèle. Weather was lousy but the dinner was a great success.

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