Building a Cat Shelter
We are feeding a cat that lives in the neighbourhood and decided to build him a shelter for the winter.
Insulation is one of our main concern, given the winter conditions in Montreal. So we started with a Styrofoam cooler, dimensions (L:23″, W:16″, H:15″).
(Click on any image to enlarge)
I cut an opening to allow the cat to get in and out and proceeded to winterize it.
I bought a pack of survival blanket, which can be found at camping stores, Canadian Tire etc.. It is very thin, reflects 90% of body heat, wind proof and waterproof. I covered all the inside of the box with it; Top, Bottom and all Sides. After trying several methods I use scrapbooking tape to glue this very thin materials to the inside of the box.
Next, to make the box more comfortable you can put straw or shredded paper inside. I decided to use some packing material, which I put in nylon bags, then stuffed these bags in an old pillowcase.
Since the whole thing is very light, I put a couple of bricks on top so it cannot be blown away.
If you want to seal the cover, I suggest you use Tuck Tape; it will hold in outside temperatures and is easily removable.